Stephen Vitiello

*1964 in New York City, USA

lives and works in Richmond, Virginia

We Were Moving Together, Moving Apart. Not Speaking/Sleeping Together

2005, sound sculpture

courtesy SoundArtMuseum – RadioArteMobile, Rom

Stephen Vitiello, We Where Moving Together, Moving Apart. Not Speaking/Sleeping Together, 2005, Courtesy of the artist and RAM radioartemobile, Rom, Foto: © Claudio Abate

Stephen Vitiello, We Where Moving Together, Moving Apart. Not Speaking/Sleeping Together, 2005, Courtesy of the artist and RAM radioartemobile, Rom, Foto: © Claudio Abate

Zu dieser Klangarbeit ohne Klang wurde der Künstler durch eine Installation von Terry Fox (1943-2008) angeregt. Für das menschliche Ohr unhörbar, jedoch für unsere Augen sichtbar, versetzen Schallwellen von der Decke abgehängte Lautsprecher in Schwingung, lassen sie gewissermaßen tanzen.

The artist was inspired to complete this sound work without sound by the oeuvre of Terry Fox. Inaudible to the human ear but visible to the eye, sound waves make speakers hanging from the ceiling sway — making them dance, so to speak.
